Glowworms and Moths

Wednesday July 10th & Thursday July 11th

This field visit is an exception to our usual plans. Not only will we be meeting at a later time, this is to be a two meeting event, with an indoor meeting the following day. The meeting point is Cote Lane, south of Thurgoland (Grid reference SE 291 003).

Our field visit to the TPT near Thurgoland led by Doug Brown and Jill Hayler started with setting up some moth traps; it was getting a little dark for identifying plants but we managed to spot two bat species, common pipestrelle and noctule; and then counted 43 glowworms along the trail.

This was a couple of very interesting and intense meetings for both the 10th and 11th. The glowworm count was over 40; while the moths traps had an array of different species.

The moths recorded were:
GEOMETRIDAE: Riband Wave, Northern Spinach, July Highflyer and Peppered Moth
SPHINGDAE: Elephant Hawkmoth
ARCTIDAE: Buff Ermine and Cinnabar
NOCTUIDAE: Heart and Dart,Large Yellow Underwing, Double Square- Spot, Common Wainscot, Dark Arches, Uncertain, Silver Y and Beauitiful Golden Y
MICRO MOTH: Small Magpie

Wednesday June 12th

Moorland Birds
Colin and Linda Graham are leading a field visit this Wednesday evening with moorland birds as the theme. It’s along ‘Swinden Lane’ and ‘Hordron Road’ up from the Flouch roundabout above Langsett. 

The Swinden Lane and  Hordron Road walk is 3 to 4 miles altogether. Strong footwear is advisable as it could be very wet. Please let us know if you are intending to join us. 

Parking for the  walk is near the junction of Swinden Lane and the A628 (on the left – travelling west) near Ellerslie Lodge. Care needs to be taken as the lane is used by a number of nearby residents.

It’s one mile west of the Flouch roundabout:Grid ref – SE 18264,01198 (SE182011), Postcode – S36 4HH, Lat 53.507156, Long -1.7260907 

We will be meeting just before 7pm start.

Saturday June 8th – Wharncliffe Heath

Our field visit this coming Saturday, 8 June, is to Wharncliffe Heath and Crags. This follows the presentation by the Wharncliffe Heathlands Trust earlier in the year about the local nature reserve there with its heathland, grassland, ponds, woodland and even wood pasture. Now we are having some warmer weather we are spotting more wildlife on our field visits. With the trusts plan to manage this site by natural means we should have plenty to see.

Meet on Station Road, Deepcar, at 10am near the bridge over the river Don from which we will walk up to the Heath and Crags. We recommend good footwear. Grid Reference SK291981. Post Code S36 2SQ.

Autumn 2019-Winter 2019

We are working on our next round of programme events for our indoor meetings and field visits.

If there is anything you would like us to try and arrange please contact us. We are always open to ideas.

While our outdoor field visits tend to concentrate on the plant and animals we come across; and many are based on a specific topic; our indoor meetings often include a wide range of topics that takes into account the very diverse aspect that influence the nature we experience. With site history, human activities and planning being just the tip of the iceberg.

Wednesday May 29th – Lowe Wood

This Barnsley Nats field visit is to part of the Falthwaite and Lowe Wood local wildlife site which is off the road between Gilroyd and Stainborough.

Led by Alan Crossland, the site includes wooded and grassland areas, a stream and some reedbeds. The Dove Valley Trail skirts the site. It’s a good time to visit for both birds and plants. 

Meeting: 7pm Wednesday 29 May; in the car park area on the way into Strafford Industrial Park off Gilroyd Lane. Grid reference: SE324041; Post code: S75 3EJ.

Wednesday May 15th – Cortonwood

For this weeks evening walk we have Philip Jay as our leader. Philip will be taking us for a look at the nature around Cortonwood. With Philip working in the area he has seen a wide variety of wildlife; so there should be plenty to see.

Our meeting point is the Asda Living / Halfords car park. Grid ref: SE407014 or Google Maps postcode S730TB. With our usual 19:00 start time

Wednesday May 1st – Nabs wood

This field visit is to Knabs Wood; Jill Hayler will be our leader for the evening. Our main topic will be woodland flowers. Because of the beautiful weather we have just now this should be an action packed outing; with the late spring flowers merging with the early summer flowers. With the usual multitude of questions from the group, I’m sure Jill will be busy. As usual there will be a keen interest in anything we spot along the way.
Doug Brown will be helping Jill lead the group.
This is a Woodlands Trust site; with more information on the area on their website.

We will be meeting for a 7 pm start at grid ref SE295040 or at the junction of Moorend Lane (S754QZ) and House Carr Lane, for Google maps users. There looks to be limited parking at the entrance to the woods so please take care if you need to park near properties by leaving residents enough space.

Saturday April 13th

We will be having a look at the Wogden Foot LNR and the TPT. With the recent publicity in the Barnsley Chronicle about work due to commence that will see this section of the TPT being dug-up and out of action for possibly three years.

This will be a field visit with a difference; it is the last planned visit this area, as a group, before this work commences. Hopefully we will be able to obtain a good biological record.

The meeting point for this walk is the car park at grid ref. SE158024 or if you are using Google Maps you need Windle Edge, Dunford Bridge,the car park is across the road from Don View

WORRIED MAN: Doug Brown at the Dunford Bridge Trans Pennine Trail site. Picture: Wes Hobson. PD086696

Wednesday 3rd April

This is the date for our next indoor meeting:
Wildlife and Management at Wharncliffe Heath LNR.
This will be a joint presentation by Dave Buttle, Albin Smith and Andrew Hill. Their combined knowledge will surely keep us entertained. Presentations about any of the Local Nature Reserves are normally multi-topical and this one will be no exception.

Yet again, for our last indoor meeting of our Spring/Summer programme, we had a fascinating presentation about the work that this trust is doing in the LNR. Thee trust are taking a softer slower approach to restoring the ecology; which is therefore allowing the natural species to, somewhat, lead the way. More details of their work can be obtained from their website at .
This link will also can also be found on our Links page for easier access in the future.

Wednesday 20th March

Wings across the Ings – the Garganey Trust is creating new habitats on the farmland between Broomhill Flash and  Wombwell Ings. Some of this farmland is being converted into wet grassland, open water and reedbeds. They have now obtained the final planning consent and work started in February.
Jeff Lunn, chair of the Garganey Trust, is giving an illustrated talk on the “Wings across the Ings” project at this meeting of the Barnsley Nats.

There are bound to be lots of questions and discussion; as usual from our members and visitors.

Following Jeff’s talk and questions, we have the Barnsley Nats’ annual general meeting. 

We would like to know how you see the future of the Society, so please come full of ideas and suggestions.

All welcome

This proved to be a fascinating presentation, so many complex issues were covered by Jeff. Along with the nature and conservation, we were given an insight into the history of the Gargney Trust, historical land use of the Ings to securing funding.

Further information about the Trusts work can be found on their website.
This link is also being posted on our Links page to enable easier access.

The Planning Process and Biodiversity

Our next indoor meeting takes place on Wednesday March 6th. With a presentation by Trevor Mayne. Trevor is Barnsley Council’s biodiversity officer and is back to give us further insight about how the planning process can protect wildlife and encourage developers to consider and perhaps even enhance biodiversity.

So no doubt lots of discussion and questions on this highly complex but interesting topic!

Hedge Survey Field Visit on Saturday March 2nd

Having a look at a hedgerow with a Naturalist’s eye: Catherine Artindale is leading a field visit to a hedgerow and its neighbouring area in Stairfoot.

Weather permitting we will record plants and wildlife species, see what we make of Hooper’s hedgerow dating hypothesis, look at this brownfield site, see how nature is recovering, and check out a small wood and Yew plantation.

Meeting at 10am in the Stairfoot shopping precinct car park off Wombwell Lane. (near Tesco’s, B & M & Pets At Home )
OS grid reference SE37700509

If coming by car, drive in the main entrance by the traffic lights on Wombwell Lane, bear left and then take the first left into the car park that abuts the main road; it’s opposite Pets at Home (the former Carpetright store).