Barnsley Nats has a programme of meetings and field visits throughout the year. We have monthly indoor meetings from October to March on Wednesday evenings at Worsbrough Common Community Centre. We have field visits on the second Saturday morning of each month throughout the year and on Wednesday evenings, replacing indoor meetings from April to August. There are extra field visits sometimes too.
Worsbrough Common Community Centre –The Vera Mawby Centre– is on Warren Quarry Lane, S70 4ND. Ample street-side parking.
2024–25 Barnsley Nats Programme
Saturday September 7: Farm hedges – Catherine Artindale.
Tuesday September 18: Denaby Ings – Doug Brown.
Saturday October 12: A Stairfoot nature reserve – Peter Roberts.
Wednesday October 23:’Gardening for Wildlife’.
7pm, Worsbrough CCC: a presentation by Will Tomson.
Saturday November 9 Looking for Fungi, Wortley Hall.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Doug Brown.
Saturday November 16: Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union AGM
Library @ the Lightbox, hosted by Barnsley Nats.
10.30am, Presentation: Barnsley Nats historical highlights.
11.30am, Ceremony: Unveiling of Thomas Lister Blue Plaque.
1.15pm YNU AGM, Business session.
2.30pm, Presentation: Presidential address by Jeff Lunn:
‘A Sense of Place, A Sense of Purpose.’
Wednesday November 20: ‘Bees, beekeeping and the Asian Hornet’,
7pm, Worsbrough CCC, a presentation by Gordon Maddan.
Saturday December 7: Upland Reservoir walk.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Peter and Annefie Roberts.
Wednesday December 18 Christmas Social.
7pm, Worsbrough CCC Members and Jill’s Christmas Quiz.
Saturday January 11 Winter birds at Adwick Washlands.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Lesley Bassett.
Wednesday January 22, Nats Annual General Meeting and
‘Costa Rica by bike’: Graham Shepherd, 7pm, Worsbrough CCC .
Saturday February 8 Broomhill Flash and Wombwell Ings.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Ron Marshall.
Wednesday February 19: Garganey Trust – local wildlife
7pm, Worsbrough CCC conservation in action,
a presentation by Jeff Lunn.
Saturday February 22 South Yorkshire Natural History Day,
10.30am – 4.00pm a programme of talks in Treeton.
Saturday March 8 Out with Catherine and Mark,
10am, Field Visit topic and venue to be confirmed.
Wednesday March 19 Yorkshire’s birds & wildlife,
7pm, Worsbrough CCC a presentation by John Gardner.
Saturday April 12 Whitwell Moor –lapwings, curlews & views.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Chris Tomson.
Saturday May 10 Dawn Chorus at Worsbrough Country Park
5.00am, Field Visit Leader: Ron Marshall.
Wednesday May 21 Spring flowers, Silkstone Waggonway.
7pm, Field Visit Leader to be confirmed.
Saturday June 7 Exploring Green Moor.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Barry Tylee.
Wednesday June 18 Darfield Churchyard.
7pm, Field Visit Leader: Doug Brown.
Saturday July 12 Flowers & insects at Rabbit Ings.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Michele Winder.
Wednesday July 23 Field visit –suggestions from members?
Saturday August 9 Carlton Marsh.
10am, Field Visit Leader: Jill Hayler & Cliff Gorman.
Wednesday August 20 Wall Brown butterflies on Royd Moor.
10am, Field Visit Leaders: Peter and Annefie Roberts.
Saturday September 6: A new season.
Suggestions for the programme are welcome
Our previous programmes back to 2017, our 150th anniversary year, can be found on another page.