Older programmes

Here are the Barnsley Nats programmes since 2017, our 150th anniversary year. We have had field visits and other meetings each year since 1867. The pandemic restrictions had a severe impact however.

This is the programme in 2022 from January until September made up of field visits. Indoor meetings at Barnsley Town Hall have only been possible from September 2022.

Meetings came to a close in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 restrictions. This included three planned indoor meetings at Barnsley Town Hall.

Field visits too were suspended – although we had a socially-distanced one in July 2020, a visit to the Strafford mine water treatment area (Boylins) for the reedbeds, grassland and wooded areas there. Field visits didn’t resume until the summer of 2021.

In the meantime we kept in touch via a newsletter of observations and information. Items from them were also posted on this website: http://www.barnsleynats.org.uk/

Here are the field visits in 2021. We visited Worsbrough Country Park, Gypsy Marsh, Banks Renewables, Wortley Hall, Dodworth stack and Broomhill Flash with Wombwell Ings.

Here is the planned programme for 2020, although suspended after the Cannon Hall field visit on March 14th. To be added.

Here are the field visits and meetings that we had in 2019.

Barnsley Nats programme in 2018 and early 2019

Barnsley Nats programmes in 2017, our 150th anniversary year!