The Great Yorkshire Creature Count: 24 hours in search of the wildlife on our doorsteps took place on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st June.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is on a mission to count all the plants and animals that are hiding in our gardens, yards and window boxes in just 24 hours – and they need our help! https://www.ywt.org.uk/great-yorkshire-creature-count
A number of Barnsley naturalists took up this worthwhile challenge.
‘The Great Yorkshire Creature Count’ – would that include plantlife would you think? We guessed not so we concentrated on what we could find near the soil first of all: slugs, snails, earthworms, centipedes, ants and a variety of woodlice were easy to take pictures of. The spiders were more tricky and the birds, bees and butterflies seldom posed long enough for us.
It made me think, is taking photos essential? Accurate identification is obviously important and a photo helps with that, but our list with photos would only have been a very small percentage of what we actually did see in the allocated 24 hours. So we sent our list in without the photos! Who else joined in the Great Yorkshire Creature Count?
For those of you who are taking part in the Great Yorkshire Creature Count this weekend, it would be great to receive your most exciting or special or interesting observations of the 24 hours. And don’t forget, the Barnsley Biological Record Centre and our Nats recorder, Geoff Jackson, would be very happy with any of your records!