Wednesday May 29th – Lowe Wood

This Barnsley Nats field visit is to part of the Falthwaite and Lowe Wood local wildlife site which is off the road between Gilroyd and Stainborough.

Led by Alan Crossland, the site includes wooded and grassland areas, a stream and some reedbeds. The Dove Valley Trail skirts the site. It’s a good time to visit for both birds and plants. 

Meeting: 7pm Wednesday 29 May; in the car park area on the way into Strafford Industrial Park off Gilroyd Lane. Grid reference: SE324041; Post code: S75 3EJ.

Wednesday May 15th – Cortonwood

For this weeks evening walk we have Philip Jay as our leader. Philip will be taking us for a look at the nature around Cortonwood. With Philip working in the area he has seen a wide variety of wildlife; so there should be plenty to see.

Our meeting point is the Asda Living / Halfords car park. Grid ref: SE407014 or Google Maps postcode S730TB. With our usual 19:00 start time

Wednesday May 1st – Nabs wood

This field visit is to Knabs Wood; Jill Hayler will be our leader for the evening. Our main topic will be woodland flowers. Because of the beautiful weather we have just now this should be an action packed outing; with the late spring flowers merging with the early summer flowers. With the usual multitude of questions from the group, I’m sure Jill will be busy. As usual there will be a keen interest in anything we spot along the way.
Doug Brown will be helping Jill lead the group.
This is a Woodlands Trust site; with more information on the area on their website.

We will be meeting for a 7 pm start at grid ref SE295040 or at the junction of Moorend Lane (S754QZ) and House Carr Lane, for Google maps users. There looks to be limited parking at the entrance to the woods so please take care if you need to park near properties by leaving residents enough space.

Saturday April 13th

We will be having a look at the Wogden Foot LNR and the TPT. With the recent publicity in the Barnsley Chronicle about work due to commence that will see this section of the TPT being dug-up and out of action for possibly three years.

This will be a field visit with a difference; it is the last planned visit this area, as a group, before this work commences. Hopefully we will be able to obtain a good biological record.

The meeting point for this walk is the car park at grid ref. SE158024 or if you are using Google Maps you need Windle Edge, Dunford Bridge,the car park is across the road from Don View

WORRIED MAN: Doug Brown at the Dunford Bridge Trans Pennine Trail site. Picture: Wes Hobson. PD086696

Hedge Survey Field Visit on Saturday March 2nd

Having a look at a hedgerow with a Naturalist’s eye: Catherine Artindale is leading a field visit to a hedgerow and its neighbouring area in Stairfoot.

Weather permitting we will record plants and wildlife species, see what we make of Hooper’s hedgerow dating hypothesis, look at this brownfield site, see how nature is recovering, and check out a small wood and Yew plantation.

Meeting at 10am in the Stairfoot shopping precinct car park off Wombwell Lane. (near Tesco’s, B & M & Pets At Home )
OS grid reference SE37700509

If coming by car, drive in the main entrance by the traffic lights on Wombwell Lane, bear left and then take the first left into the car park that abuts the main road; it’s opposite Pets at Home (the former Carpetright store).

Field visit – Old Park Wood

Warren Dike in Old Park Wood

Saturday 9 February in the morning – Geoff Jackson is leading a field visit to The Old Park Wood, part of Rockley Woods Local Wildlife Site.

We will be following Warren Dike looking at ferns, mosses and other plants -as well as any wildlife we see!

We are meeting at 10.00am, meeting near Old Park wood, off Rockley Lane just on the other (north/east) side of the M1. Grid reference: SE339017

We had a good turn out for the bat field visit. Our host, Rob Bell from the South Yorkshire Bat Group, was most informative. Giving us a insight to the bats roosting and breeding habits, as well as information on what their group does in monitoring and conservation.

Field visit: Bat roosts

Following on from the presentation in November by Rob Bell about local Bat roosts , he is leading us on a field visit to a roost on Monday morning 21st January. Rob is an ecologist and licenced for bat roosts. 

We are meeting in the car park at Oxspring at 10.15am, ready to set off for 10.30am. We will be walking for a mile along the TPT and then down a bit of a rough footpath. The car park (SE 272019) is just a little down Sheffield Road from the Wagon and Horses Pub.

Please let us know if you intend coming.

First meetings of 2019

The first indoor meeting in 2019 is a talk by Ron Marshall on Chile. Come along to Barnsley Town Hall on Wednesday 9 January at 7 pm.

The first outdoor meeting in 2019 on Saturday 12 January is a field visit to RSPB Old Moor, meeting in the Old Moor car park at 10.00 am. We are joining up with the local birdwatchers group led by Colin and Linda Graham.

The full programme will be posted on the programme page soon.