I had a wonderful visit to dentist last week as you do and I was amazed at what I saw. I was waiting to go inside and I noticed on the black handrail at the front there were some ladybirds and larvae, sunning themselves in warm sunshine.
The first one was a Harlequin -Harmonia axyiridis f.succinea with larva. This lady bird has a distinctive white spot on its head. The larva on right looks as though it has been feasting on aphids.
As I was coming out of the dentist, I noticed another Harlequin a bit further along the handrail.
This was a Harmonia axyridis f.spectabilis with larva as well.
I think the larva on the right is moving into the pupa stage.
For my hat trick of ladybirds, I have a 22 spot Psyllobora vigintduopunctata discovered in under growth at Barnsley Main Heritage site in the Timber Yard whilst digging out.
This is one of only three yellow ladybirds in the UK.
The other two are both 14 spot black on yellow and yellow on black.
I shall endeavour to find the other two!
Oh the joys of nature keeping us sane!
Cheers from Andy, keep safe and well. ????