At our last indoor meeting we had a presentation by Alwyn Timms on the wild life of South West Australia. Many thanks for the fantastic images and telling us about the risks the animals face.
Category: Meetings
‘Wildlife of South West Australia’, a presentation by Alwyn Timms, is taking place on Wednesday 23 January at Barnsley Town Hall at 7pm. All welcome.
First meetings of 2019
The first indoor meeting in 2019 is a talk by Ron Marshall on Chile. Come along to Barnsley Town Hall on Wednesday 9 January at 7 pm.
The first outdoor meeting in 2019 on Saturday 12 January is a field visit to RSPB Old Moor, meeting in the Old Moor car park at 10.00 am. We are joining up with the local birdwatchers group led by Colin and Linda Graham.
The full programme will be posted on the programme page soon.